Groq custom integration

by Cormick Marskamp

Set up your custom API keys with the new Groq integration.

Keyboard shortcuts

by Cormick Marskamp

For the real prompt engineers in Orq, we introduced some keyboard shortcuts in the Playground module. If your cursor is located within the prompt template, you can use the hotkeys below to generate an output.

cmd/ctrl + enter runs the current block.

shift + cmd/ctrl + enter runs all the blocks.

Feel free to contact us for other shortcut suggestions.

New version pop-up

by Cormick Marskamp

With the introduction of the new version pop-up, you can now choose when you'd like to do the update. This way, you won't get interrupted in the middle of your workflow.

Tools workflow

by Cormick Marskamp

Quickly import a Tool into a Deployment.

Also, when creating a Tool in a Deployment, you can save it by clicking Add to resources.

Create, save, and find all your Tools in the Resources tab.

New domain

by Cormick Marskamp


If you're using please start using

With this new feature, you can view the changes made to a Deployment and restore to the previous version if needed.

On top of that, when deploying, users get the option to write a quick description about what they changed and if it's a minor or major change.

Deployment Routing

by Cormick Marskamp

When opening a Deployment, you now immediately enter the Prompt Studio.

To switch to other Variants, you can click on the variant name, which opens a dropdown menu with all the other variants that you can choose to switch to. In the same dropdown menu, you can also choose to add another variant.

Under the new Routing tab, you can still see the Business Rules Engine and configure it like you're used to.

Prompt generator

by Cormick Marskamp

With this new feature, we can help you turn your prompt into a more detailed and complete prompt.

You can also use it to create a template which you can iterate on.

Tools in Experiments

by Cormick Marskamp

Start using Tools, also known as Function Calling, in an Experiment.

Once you have set up your Tools in the resources tab, you can add them in the configuration tab in your Experiment.

A strong feature is to use Tools in combination with the Valid JSON and Valid JSON Schema Evaluators.

Breadcrumb navigation

by Cormick Marskamp

With breadcrumbs, you'll always know in which module you're working. On top of that, breadcrumbs allow for quick navigation within the module. See an example below.