Running an Experiment

Follow these steps to set up your first Experiment

  1. To start an Experiment, click 'Create Experiment' and give it a title.
  2. Add your prompts and references (optional) manually or import them through a CSV file in the Datasets tab.
  3. If you want to use input variables, add them manually or import them through a CSV file in the Inputs tab.
  4. Select the models you want to use in the Configuration tab, and configure the parameters accordingly.
  5. In the same Configuration tab, you can also select the Evaluators you want to use (optionally)
  6. Click 'Run Experiment' and you'll see the results flowing in on the 'Report' tab.
  7. After the experiment is done, you can compare the output side-by-side and toggle between output/costs/latency and evaluators when selected.

Try out the interactive walkthrough below to see all the steps in action (navigate through it by clicking or using your arrow keys).