Context Attributes

Context Attributes are fields used in Deployment Routing, they can be centrally configured and reusable between Deployments.

What are Context Attributes

Context Attributes are typed fields configured centrally that can be used across multiple resources within the panel. These fields can be used to customize your Deployment Routing and Remote Configs.

Creating Context Attributes

To create a Context Attribute, head to your panel.

Open your Workspace Settings > Context Attributes menu. Then Press Add Field.

You will then be prompted to enter a unique Key and choose the field type from the following options:

BooleanTrue or False value field
DateDate value field
ListMultiple-choice option field, you can then define the possible values from the field
NumberNumber value field
StringText value field

You can also enter whether the field is a PII (Personally Identifiable Information), and choose not to log the value entered.

Entering List Properties

When choosing a list field, you can then enter possible values for the field by selecting Create in the property panel.

You can also choose to import values from a CSV file to automatically fill the possible properties.

Using Context Attributes

Deployment Routing

Deployment Routing exists so that users reach the desired model depending on Context Attributes definition.
This lets you have a powerful way of routing your users to various models fit to their region, purpose or any other attribute desired.


To learn more about Deployment Routing, see Routing variants with Rules Engine