Amazon Bedrock

Amazon bedrock integration

In order to integrate your Amazon Bedrock with Orq, fill out the following four fields:

  • Name: Can be anything. Example: orq_bedrock
  • Access key id: Retrieve this from your IAM in AWS. See the image below as an example.
  • Secret access key: Also retrieve this from your IAM in AWS. See the image below as an example.
  • Region: Make sure that you select the right region. Example: us-east-1
integrate AWS Bedrock into

integrate AWS Bedrock into

Retrieve access keys in AWS

Retrieve the access keys in AWS Bedrock

Retrieve the access keys in AWS Bedrock

Policies / Permissions in AWS

In order for the model to work, make sure that the following two permissions are included in the policy which is attached to the user in AWS.

  1. Bedrock: InvokeModel
  2. Bedrock: InvokeModelWithResponseStream
Make sure that the right permissions are linked to the policy

Make sure that the right permissions are linked to the policy