Billing & Usage

The Billing & Usage page offers an overview of your billing cycle and model generation usage within your workspaces.

Workspace Usage

Here, you can have an overview of your usage over the current billing cycle.

A graph displays the number of Requests, Retrievals, and Cache over time in your workspace. These are tracked across all Playgrounds, Experiments and Deployments and show an aggregated view of all events.

At the top-right of the graph, you can see your current usage against your plan capacity. When going beyond capacity, additional events are added to your billing cycle.

Understanding Events

A single Deployment invoke contains multiple events, each event will incur costs reflected in your Billing and Plan Usage.

To understand better the events held within your Deployments, lookup Traces and explore the events embedded into each generation.

Each trace and event detail will hold usage and billing information.

Each trace and event detail will hold usage and billing information.