Model Garden

The Model Garden is the space where you can find all available LLM models for your work. packages a number of LLM you can search and enable for your work, you're also able to onboarding private models into the platform.


Only workspace admins have access to the Model Garden page and can enable or disable models as needed.

Benefits of Using the Model Garden

Use the latest models available

Using the Model Garden lets you benefit from all model releases from various provider as Orq takes care of integrating them. When new models are available, you can find them in your garden and enable them for use, they will be immediately functional.

Unified API for all your models

Once a new model has been enabled in the garden, it can be immediately used within a Deployment.

As your application is integrated with, it doesn't need any update as our APIs stay the same even after changing model. ensures integration and readiness of any model available in the Model Garden, letting you focus on your application by using it as an AI Gateway.