Logs contain details for all Retrievals
Retrieval Logs
When using a Knowledge Base within Playgrounds, Experiments or Deployments, logs are generated and will transparently contain details of how Knowledge Bases were accessed.
To find logs, head to the Logs tabs within the module you're in, then select one log to open the detail panel for one log entry.
The following panel will open.
On the right side of the screen you have access to the Retrievals section that details the Knowledge Base used and how it was queried.
The Query can be seen, which was used to retrieve the relevant chunks from the Knowledge Base.
The Documents show the retrieved chunks, ordered by relevance score.
User Message Augmentation
On the left side of the panel, you can see how the Knowledge Base variable {{applenew}} is modified with the retrieval results in blue.
The blue parts of the messages are the retrieval results injected into the user message. They will then be used as data with which the modelcan respond to the user query.
Using the blue text, you can verify that the query is correct and that the expected chunks are loaded into the message.
Updated 2 days ago